Thursday 28 April 2011

This week's news

We certainly pack a lot into every day at Robin Hood! We've had a super week and the children have rounded off the day with a party in our outdoor area, including party food, party games and a conga led by Mrs Friar!

In our music session today we used a variety of instruments to follow the beat and Mrs Chin acted as conductor (with her own baton) keeping us all on our toes! We also saw some fabulous balancing in PE when we used the stilts to complete and assault course!

Please note: the hall will not be available for PE next week so we will be doing PE outside! Please ensure your child has their kit PLUS a hoody and trainers. Thank you.

Homework was sent out yesterday - Reception guys please see if you can complete the Royal family tree all by yourselves (and I bet you can as you are so brilliant) and don't forget to practice your keywords AND blow every body's socks of with your amazing reading!

Have a great weekend and we will see you all on Tuesday.

A few thoughts about shape.............

What we think about our class - by the Reception children.

Our children are never slow to share their ideas and opinions! Have a read at their thoughts on Reception and school in general........................

We learn about things I don't know - Maddie
It's really fun and it's really nice and I like that building area - Alfie
Reception is brilliant - I love it! - Jenson
I like playing with my friends and learning new things - Taylor
I like to play with my friends and write at school - Ella
Reception is Amazing! - Amisha
I like being outside. I love singing on the stage and I like making roads in the sandpit. I like planting and painting - Oliver
Reception is super cool - Lucas
I think it's fantastic - Guy

Royal Wedding Party

Thank you for all your support today and generous donations for our garden party. The children all looked amazing and they had a fabulous time! There are more photographs available - please ask us to show you them next time you are in the classroom.

Thursday 21 April 2011


On Thursday next week we will be having a Royal Wedding party, hopefully in our fabulous outdoor area, to celebrate the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton.
To help us celebrate please can you

  • send in some party clothes for your child to wear (the party will be in the afternoon so children will be getting changed after lunch)

  • provide a healthy snack or drink to share

If you see any of your friends over the Easter weekend, please will you tell them too? Thank you so much for your support.

The Reception Team

News round up!

Welcome back to everybody and thank you for a super week! Even though it was only four days we have packed loads into it.....and the gorgeous weather has been a bonus too!

There was no foundation stage newsletter this week, but the keywords the children have been learning are still tripping up quite a few children so can we ask you to keep practising reading and writing them this weekend as well as making sure you listen to your child's amazing reading!

The keywords are: said, little, children, just, help, there

We were thrilled when we came back from assembly to discover that the Easter bunny had visited our classroom! Thank you too to Guy (and mum) for our delicious Easter treats....mmm.

Have a very Happy Easter and see you all on Tuesday.

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Outdoor area

There have been some fabulous things happening in our outdoor area today....

I wonder what will be happening tomorrow?

New Stage!!

Have a look at our amazing new stage!

Friday 1 April 2011

Well Done... Kieran and Amory who are the Reception superstars this week; to Lauren D who is our Achiever of the week for her fabulous independent writing and to our very own Reception Divas - who came an amazing second place in Robin Hood's Got Talent! Well done to all of you.

Delicious pizza!

This week the children have been adding pizza toppings to pitta breads and grilling them....yum!

More lovely outdoor art

Super measuring in the outdoor area