Monday 3 January 2011

Happy New Year!

Well we can hardly believe how quickly the time has flown's 2011 and we are back in class on Wednesday 5th January (2 more sleeps!)

We hope that you all had a fabulous Christmas and New Year break and that everybody feels refreshed and excited about the new term. Our topic will be Superheroes and the children will be finding out more about superheroes, both old and new....we have some really exciting activities planned for them. If you have any superhero dress up costumes, masks, capes or action figures that you no longer use - we would be very grateful for them.

Just to remind you that PE is Thursday and all children need their PE kit every week. We will be focusing on mini basketball and mini soccer this half term. Please can you ensure that your child(ren) have their reading book bag in school every day too? Thank you.

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