Sunday 19 December 2010

Merry Christmas and all that.......

Well we have had an amazingly busy last week of term with our dress rehearsal for the whole school followed by our performance of 'Star of Wonder' to parents, carers and grandparents. The children worked incredibly hard to learn their lines and all the songs and despite a few technical hitches (!) it all went fabulously!
Thank you all for supporting us and providing all those super costumes. I'm sure you will agree that they all looked amazing.
Thank you too to the parents who have let us know how much they enjoyed the show. We are incredibly proud of all the children and what they have achieved.

Wednesday saw our class party and a treat for us all, a visiting pantomime performance of Peter Pan. The children were mesmerised and well done to Leo who joined in with the cast giving amazing directions for Peter Pan to rescue Wendy!

On Thursday we joined the rest of the school in the Hall for the Carol service and on Friday we had a fun filled day, culminating in Carols around the tree.

Sadly we have had a few children ill over the last week - we all hope you are feeling much better now and look forward to seeing you ......we've really missed you all!

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